Author : Reetesh Gupta

316 posts

In PHP 8, the money_format function has been removed. The recommended alternative is to use the number_format function in combination with the setlocale function to format currency values. Here’s an example: Note that you should set the locale to the appropriate value based on your requirements. The above example uses ‘en_US’ for US English formatting. …
Interview questions aim to check if applicants possess the skills to fulfill their responsibilities as PHP developers. Hence, you need to prepare questions that will allow the applicants to highlight their technical and behavioral skills. Here are some of the most asked PHP interview questions and sample answers: 1. Explain static and dynamic websites. What are their …
Basic Mean Stack Interview Questions and Answers 1. What’s the MEAN Stack? The notion of MEAN stack alludes to the collection of advancements that are JavaScript-based. MEAN is full-stack JavaScript. These are also used to create web applications. MEAN is the abbreviation for ExpressJS, AngularJS MongoDB Node.js 2. What is MongoDB? MongoDB is a document-oriented database used for …
Top 30 MEAN Stack Developer Interview Questions We have collated the top 30 MEAN Stack Interview Questions that you should be prepared with if you are serious about a career in MEAN Stack Development. Do go through the following questions before you attend your interview. Explain the MEAN Stack Architecture The primary function of the …
Tutorial #1: Introduction To Mobile Application Testing There was a time when computers were a rage. They changed how we humans thought and learned. However, now mobile solutions have taken over the market. People don’t want to switch ON their laptops/PC for everything, rather they want their handheld devices to perform everything quickly. Hence the …
JavaScript was popular for browser-side validations and interactive web developments. An open-source, platform-independent JavaScript runtime environment, namely Node.js was introduced to allow JavaScript code to run outside the browser, especially on the server. Node.js is a single-threaded non-blocking asynchronous runtime environment that offers an advantage over requests by eliminating waits and handling the next request. …
Selecting the right technology for developing an application or website is becoming more challenging. Among all, React is considered as the fastest growing Javascript framework. Slowly and steadily, the JavaScript tools are firming their roots in the marketplace and the demand for React Certification Training is increasing exponentially. With a quick learning curve, reusable components, and clean …
Python for web development
What are the advantages of ReactJS? Entry Below are the advantages of ReactJS: Increases the application’s performance with Virtual DOM JSX makes code easy to read and write It renders both on the client and server-side Easy to integrate with other frameworks (Angular, BackboneJS) since it is only a view library Easy to write UI …
This chapter explains the installation of React library and its related tools in your machine. Before moving to the installation, let us verify the prerequisite first. React provides CLI tools for the developer to fast-forward the creation, development, and deployment of the React-based web application. React CLI tools depend on Node.js and must be installed …
Why learn ReactJS? Today, many JavaScript frameworks are available in the market(like angular, node), but still, React came into the market and gained popularity amongst them. The previous frameworks follow the traditional data flow structure, which uses the DOM (Document Object Model). DOM is an object which is created by the browser each time a …

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