Category : Express js

5 posts

Basic Mean Stack Interview Questions and Answers 1. What’s the MEAN Stack? The notion of MEAN stack alludes to the collection of advancements that are JavaScript-based. MEAN is full-stack JavaScript. These are also used to create web applications. MEAN is the abbreviation for ExpressJS, AngularJS MongoDB Node.js 2. What is MongoDB? MongoDB is a document-oriented database used for …
Express.js GET Request GET and POST both are two common HTTP requests used for building REST API’s. GET requests are used to send only limited amount of data because data is sent into header while POST requests are used to send large amount of data because data is sent in the body. Express.js facilitates you …
Express.js Request Object Express.js Request and Response objects are the parameters of the callback function which is used in Express applications. The express.js request object represents the HTTP request and has properties for the request query string, parameters, body, HTTP headers, and so on. Syntax:  app.get(‘/’, function (req, res) {    // — }) Express.js Request Object Properties The following table …
Express.js tutorial provides basic and advanced concepts of Express.js. Our Express.js tutorial is designed for beginners and professionals both. Express.js is a web framework for Node.js. It is a fast, robust and asynchronous in nature. Our Express.js tutorial includes all topics of Express.js such as Express.js installation on windows and linux, request object, response object, …
What is Node JS? Node.js is a cross-platform runtime library and environment for running JavaScript applications outside the browser. This is a free and open source tool used for creating server-side JS applications. Node.js applications are written in JavaScript. This application can runs within the Node.js runtime on Linux and Microsoft Windows. This framework offers …

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