Partition Types There are basically four partition types available: RANGE, LIST, HASH and KEY. I’ll explain each of these now. Later on we will see some practical examples of using RANGE, the partition type you will likely end up using most. RANGE Partitioning This type of partition assigns rows to partitions based on column values that fall within a stated …
What is MySQL partitioning? What kind of partition types are there? How do you know if this is something your database engine supports? In this article, we tell you what you need to know about partitioning in MySQL. MySQL partitioning is about altering – ideally, optimizing – the way the database engine physically stores data. …
Database Interview Questions and Answers for freshers and Experienced: DB Design, ER-Diagram, Normalization, Stored Procedure, Joins, Trigger, ACID Properties and Transactions, Indexing and Query Optimization, Constraints, Views and SQL etc Q:- What is Database? A Database is a collection of data. Q:- What is Database Management Systems? A Database management systems (DBMS) is software system …
Q:-1 What is Laravel? Laravel is a free, open-source PHP web framework, created by Taylor Otwell and intended for the development of web applications following the model–view–controller (MVC) architectural pattern. Q:-1(a) What is Server Requirements for Laravel 5.6? PHP >= 7.1.3 OpenSSL PHP Extension PDO PHP Extension Mbstring PHP Extension Tokenizer PHP Extension XML PHP …
Difference between SOAP and REST web services: SOAP is an XML based messaging protocol whereas REST is an architectural style. REST (Representational states transfer) is an architectural style for implementing systems on top of HTTP infrastructure. SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is a messaging protocol that allows programs that run on disparate operating systems (such …
Q:- What is a Web Service? Web service is a way to communicate between two applications over the network. Q:- What are the advantages of Web Services? Some of the advantages of web services are: Reusability: One web service can be used by many client applications at the same time. Loosely Coupled: In Web services, …
What is Laravel? Laravel is a Symfony based free open-source PHP web framework. It is created by Taylor Otwell and allows developers to write expressive, elegant syntax. Laravel comes with built-in support for user authentication and authorization which is missing in some most popular PHP frameworks like CodeIgniter, CakePHP.Here you will find Latest Laravel interview questions and answer that …
1-What is Codeigniter? Codeigniter based on the MVC pattern is an open sourced framework which develops websites for PHP. 2-What are Hooks in Codeigniter ? Hooks are a feature in codeigniter which help the user to change the inner working without having to change the core files. They are represented by application/config/hooks.php.file. Hooks are more …
1) What is PHP? PHP is a web language based on scripts that allow developers to dynamically create generated web pages. 2) What do the initials of PHP stand for? PHP means PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. 3) Which programming language does PHP resemble? PHP syntax resembles Perl and C 4) What does PEAR stand for? PEAR …
San Francisco: The US based tech Google has introduced a new “Google IT Automation with Python Professional Certificate” a program which is designed to provide job-ready skills in Python, Git and IT automation in under six months. “Python is now the most in-demand programming language, and more than 530,000 U.S. jobs, including 75,000 entry-level jobs …

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