You might have heard and probably watched all the above movies’, especially if you are a student of engineering college but why I am listing out all the above movies’ names…can you guess??. If you haven’t heard these movies’ names or didn’t catch my point then just open a new tab in your system or …
There are many differences between PHP 5 and 7. Some of the main points are: Performance: it is obvious that later versions are always better than the previous versions if they are stable. So, if you execute code in both versions, you will find the performance of PHP 7 is better than PHP5. This is …
Step 1: Install and configure Laravel. Type the following command. laravel new stripesub Go to the project folder and open the project in an editor. I am using VSCode. cd stripesub && code . Install the js dependencies using the following command. npm install Install the Cashier package for Stripe dependencies. composer require laravel/cashier Also, …
This tutorial will help you to integrate PayPal payment gateway using PHP with an example. I will walk you through a step by step process and make it easy for you do the integration. You will learn about three things today, How to integrate PayPal payment gateway in your application and process payments. What is …
Using PhpMyAdmin as your development interface and keep getting logout after +-24 minutes? That is PhpMyAdmin default security policy, if you are not getting active or browsing on the browser for more than 1440 seconds, you will be logged out with the message “No activity within 1440 seconds; please log in again.” Some people use …
If you want to know how to install react js in laravel 6 then i will help you to laravel install react js using laravel ui. we will also install react with laravel and also laravel 6 react auth using laravel ui. If you are beginner with laravel 6 then i am sure i can …
Today, the PHP development team announced the immediate availability of PHP 7.4.0 and it comes with numerous improvements and new features. Some of the highlights of this release that we’ve covered before include: Short Arrow Functions Spread Operator for Arrays Typed Properties Here is a list of all the main new features: Typed Properties Arrow Functions Limited Return Type …
14-year-old Tanmay Bakshi is not your average Joe. A self-taught coder, Bakshi is a neural network architect and IBM Champion for Cloud, based out of Canada. Having developed his first app at the age of 9, he has been collaborating with IBM, using their Artificial Intelligence platform Watson. One of these includes a collaborative project …
Express.js GET Request GET and POST both are two common HTTP requests used for building REST API’s. GET requests are used to send only limited amount of data because data is sent into header while POST requests are used to send large amount of data because data is sent in the body. Express.js facilitates you …
Express.js Request Object Express.js Request and Response objects are the parameters of the callback function which is used in Express applications. The express.js request object represents the HTTP request and has properties for the request query string, parameters, body, HTTP headers, and so on. Syntax:  app.get(‘/’, function (req, res) {    // — }) Express.js Request Object Properties The following table …

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