Tag : PHP

17 posts

In this post we will show you Integrating Google Two-Factor Authentication with CodeIgniter 3, hear for Integrating Google Two-Factor Authentication with CodeIgniter 3 we will give you demo and example for implement. Integrating Google Two-Factor Authentication with CodeIgniter extend is a genuinely simple process. The two-factor Authentication will help you to secure your administrator login board with an …
CodeIgniter Session Management If you have developed desktop applications before then, you probably know that you can define a global variable assign a value to it and use it throughout the life cycle of the application opening and closing more than one (1) and each request will have access to the global variable. In other …
Email is very important in web applications. When a user signs up, we might want to send them an email to verify their email address and allow the user to confirm subscription. We also use email to reset forgotten passwords, send invoice and receipts to customers, etc. CodeIgniter makes it super easy for us to …
Database migration is one of the best features that you get in any PHP framework. Database migration in the framework is just like a version control of your database tables. And another feature of migration is that you don’t have to send or put separate database file to other developers. Codeigniter also comes with builtin migration feature and …
What is An SQL Injection Vulnerability? Within this blog post we are trying to shed a light on the technical aspects of SQL injections and what you can do to effectively avoid them. Non-Technical Explanation of the SQL Injection Vulnerability Imagine a fully-automated bus that functions based on instructions given by humans through a standard …
In this tutorial, i will show you how to implement webcam capture and store image on server in php application. we will use webcam library for live capture image. webcam library will help to display desktop camera and your mobile camera so, user can see and take picture from there. In this example, we will …
As I’m sure you heard if you follow along with the Laravel community, the latest Laracon event was held on Wednesday, which was hosted online instead of the usual summer conference in the US. There were 15 fantastic speakers, but there was one that everybody was waiting for. Taylor Otwell take to the (virtual) stage to announce the features …
Specify Default Language and Language Options Go to application/config folder and open config.php. Add the following line to specify the website’s default language. $config[‘language’] = ‘english’; Now to create the language options, of to application/language folder and create separate subfolders for each language. Next, in each subfolder, create a file with the suffix _lang. For instance, …
This post is focused on email verification in laravel 7. you can understand a concept of laravel 7 auth verify email. laravel 7 email verification tutorial step by step. i explained simply step by step laravel 7 auth verify email. Let’s see bellow example laravel 7 authentication email verification. In laravel old version we are …
This example is focused on file upload in laravel 7. let’s discuss about laravel 7 file upload. This article will give you simple example of laravel 7 upload file to database. if you want to see example of how to upload and display file in laravel 7 then you are a right place. Here, Creating …

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