ChatGPT Prompts & How to Write your Own

How to write effective ChatGPT prompts?

Writing ChatGPT prompts is both an art and a science. Whether you want insightful information, creative content, or practical solutions, here’s a guide to crafting prompts that yield exceptional results:

Best ChatGPT prompts for Marketing

  1. Can you provide me with some ideas for blog posts about [topic of your choice]?
  2. Write a minute-long script for an advertisement about [product or service or company].
  3. Write a product description for my [product or service or company].
  4. Suggest inexpensive ways I can promote my [company] with/without using [Media channel].
  5. How can I obtain high-quality backlinks to raise the SEO of [Website name].
  6. Make 5 distinct CTA messages and buttons for [Your product].
  7. Create a [social media] campaign plan for launching an [your product], aimed at [ Your target audience].
  8. Analyze these below metrics to improve email open rates for a fashion brand <paste metrics>.
  9. Write follow-up emails to people who attended my [webinar topic] webinar.
  10. Structure a weekly [newsletter topic] newsletter.
  11. Make a post showcasing the benefits of using our product [product name] for [specific problem/issue].
  12. Generate 5 creative ways to use Instagram Reels for [your product or service or company].
  13. Create a social media post that targets [the specific audience] and explains how our product [product name] can help them.
  14. Create a personalized email greeting for a VIP customer.
  15. Write a list of 5 YouTube video ideas for [your product or company]
  16. Create two Google Ads in an RSA format (using multiple headlines and descriptions) for an A/B test for “Your product”.
  17. Write a 100-character meta description for my blog post about <topic>.

Best ChatGPT prompts for Business

  1. Analyze the current state of <industry> and its trends, challenges, and opportunities, including relevant data and statistics. Provide a list of key players and a short and long-term industry forecast, and explain any potential impact of current events or future developments.
  2. Offer a detailed review of a <specific software or tool>  for <describe your business>.
  3. Offer an in-depth analysis of the current state of small business legislation and regulations and their impact on entrepreneurship.
  4. Offer a comprehensive guide to small business financing options, including loans, grants, and equity financing.
  5. Provide a guide on managing finances for a small business, including budgeting, cash flow management, and tax considerations.
  6. Provide a guide on networking and building partnerships as a small business owner.
  7. I want to create an agenda for a meeting about<Meeting info> with my team. Can you give me some examples of what should be included?
  8. I need to write an email to a client regarding a change in the project timeline. Can you give me some guidance on how to phrase it?
  9. To increase the number of Instagram posts, please develop a product roadmap for Instagram’s story.
  10. Write an in-depth analysis of the current state of a specific industry and its potential for small business opportunities.
  11. I need to prepare a presentation for a potential investor on <presentation topic>. Can you give me some guidance on what to include?

Best ChatGPT prompts for Content Creation

  1. I need help developing a lesson plan on renewable energy sources for high school students.
  2. Generate a creative social media content calendar for the next month for our [company or product] on [ topic of choice].
  3. Generate a 2-minute video script for a Facebook ad campaign promoting our new service [ Service description].
  4. Write a blog post on the [topic of your choice]
  5. Create two Google Ads in an RSA format (using multiple headlines and descriptions) for an A/B test for “your company.” Explain why the ads would make a good test.
  6. Write a case study detailing <Topic of your choice>.
  7. Develop an appealing and inventive screenplay for a film that can fascinate its audience. Get going by devising compelling characters, the setting of the plot, and dialogues between the characters. Once you’re done building your characters – devise a thrilling narrative full of unforeseen events to keep audiences entranced until the end.
  8. Write a comprehensive guide to [topic].
  9. Write an email to [person] with some facts about [Topic of your choice] with a[theme of your choice].
  10. Generate a list of 5 LinkedIn articles to write for a [profession or topic of your choice].
  11. What factors should I consider when quoting for a brand deal with a candle company, and what ballpark range should I charge? The scope is to post 3 videos on TikTok, and I have 100,000 followers.
  12. Provide a guide on networking and building partnerships as a small business owner.
  13. Create a content calendar with six blog titles, including the keyword <paste text here>. Pick suitable publishing dates for each guide spread across May 2023.

Best ChatGPT Prompts for Writing

  1. Compose a blog post of 1500 words from the perspective of a health professional on the importance of a balanced diet and regular exercise. Use engaging language and include practical tips for the readers to apply in their daily lives.
  2. Draft a proposal for a community project to present to your local city council. Include the project’s purpose, expected benefits, steps for implementation, and how you plan to fund it.
  3. Write a cover letter for a job application in the tech industry. Make sure to highlight your technical skills, past experiences, and explain why you’re passionate about this role and company.
  4. Imagine you’re a public relations representative dealing with a company crisis. Draft a press release that acknowledges the issue, explains what actions your company is taking, and reassures the public.
  5. Develop an outline for a presentation about the importance of mental health in the workplace. It should cover current statistics, the impact on productivity, and ways employers can support their employees’ mental health.

Best ChatGPT prompts for Web Development

  1. Develop an architecture and code for a <website description> website with JavaScript.
  2. Help me find mistakes in the following code <paste code below>.
  3. I want to implement a sticky header on my website. Can you provide an example of how to do that using CSS and JavaScript?
  4. Please continue writing this code for JavaScript <post code below>
  5. I need to create a REST API endpoint for my web application. Can you provide an example of how to do that using Node.js and Express?
  6. Find the bug with this code: <post code below>
  7. I want to implement server-side rendering for my React application. Can you provide an example of how to do that using Next.js?
  8. Provide a UX design tip I can share on LinkedIn.
  9. Assume the table names and generate an SQL code to find out Elon Musk’s tweets from 2019.
  10. What exactly does this regex do? rege(x(es)?|xps?).
  11. Write a docstring for the following function <paste function below>.
  12. I’m making a website for a small business [Business description]. I need ideas on how to structure the website using WordPress.
  13. Generate a list of 10 relevant skills and experiences for a web developer job application.

Best ChatGPT prompts for education

  1. Create a magical system that emphasizes education and is based on [topic of your choice].
  2. Teach me the <topic of your choice> and give me a quiz at the end, but don’t give me the answers and then tell me if I answered correctly.
  3. Describe <topic of your choice> in detail.
  4. Create a YAML template to detect the Magento version for the Nuclei vulnerability scanner.
  5. Can you provide a summary of a specific historical event?
  6. Can you give me an example of how to solve a [Problem statement]?
  7. Write a paper outlining the topic [Topic of your choice] in chronological order.
  8. I need help understanding how probability works.
  9. I need help uncovering facts about the early 20th-century labor strikes in London.
  10. I need help providing an in-depth reading for a client interested in career development based on their birth chart.
  11. Please provide a definition for the medical term ‘tachycardia’.
  12. Come up with 10 ways to improve memory and recall while studying for exams.
  13. Suggest 10 Chrome extensions for students designed to improve productivity while studying.

Best ChatGPT prompts for teachers

  1. Create a list of 5 types of data that teachers can collect to monitor student learning and progress.
  2. Create a quiz with 5 multiple-choice questions that assess students’ understanding of [concept being taught].
  3. Construct a model essay on social discrimination that surpasses all the requirements for an ‘A’ grade.
  4. Design a poster that outlines the classroom regulations as well as the penalties for violating them.
  5. Generate a list of specific and actionable steps that a student can take to improve their performance in [subject/task].
  6. Create a lesson outline for a lesson on [concept being taught] that includes learning objectives, creative activities, and success criteria.
  7. Create a list of 5 teaching strategies that could be used to engage and challenge students of different ability levels in a lesson on [concept being taught].
  8. Create a list of interactive classroom activities for [concept being taught].
  9. Create a marking scheme for evaluating student writing in line with the [concept being taught].
  10. What difficulties do children have when learning about passive voice?
  11. I need help developing a lesson plan on renewable energy sources for high school students.
  12. Come up with a list of 10 unique qualities to include in a teacher’s resume.

Best ChatGPT prompts for Music

  1. Write a lyrical verse in the style of [artist] about [topic].
  2. Modify the following chord progression to make it more like <according to some directive, like composer or genre>: <Code progression>.
  3. Write the lyrics to a song titled [Title of the song].
  4. Write a 12-bar blues chord progression in the key of E.
  5. Write chord progressions for a country rock song with a verse, chorus, and bridge.
  6. Create a poem or song for <target audience> that explains <topic of your choice>. The song should have a distinct character and traits for each participant, as well as punctuation such as.,!?, and so on. Make it last as long as possible.
  7. How would you encode the melody to “<Song of your choice>” as MusicXML?
  8. Write a song in the pentatonic scale and 4/4 time to the <artist and song of your choice>
  9. I want to make a music video, but I’m not sure what concept to use. Can you help me come up with a concept?
  10. I want to write a MIDI file. Can you provide python3 code that writes a simple tune using a for loop to add each note?
  11. Make a song about a programmer and someone who isn’t a programmer.

Best ChatGPT prompts for Fun

  1. Tell me a joke about [topic of your choice]
  2. Send a pun-filled happy birthday message to my friend Alex.
  3. Write a sequel/prequel about the ‘X’ movie
  4. Create a new playlist of new song names from ‘X’
  5. write a script for a movie with ‘X’ and ‘X’
  6. Explain [topic of your choice] in a funny way
  7. Give me an example of a proposal message for a girl
  8. Write a short story where an Eraser is the main character.
  9. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
  10. Make Eminem-style jokes about Max Payne.
  11. You are a text video game where you give me options ( A, B, C, D) as my choices. The scene is Narnia. I start out with 100 health.
  12. Come up with a 14-day itinerary for a trip to Germany. The first suggested attraction should be “Take a tour of the Reichstag Building in Berlin.
  13. Write a formal complaint email to United Airlines about my delayed baggage from my flight on Tuesday, January 17th, from New York to Los Angeles.
  14. Translate the following text into Portuguese: <paste text below>
  15. Write hilarious fan fiction about the Twilight saga.

Best ChatGPT prompts for E-commerce

  • A customer has recently purchased sneakers, can you please give me recommendations for similar or complementary products that the customer may enjoy
  • Write a javascript for Google Tag Manager that sends a Facebook Custom Conversion event when a callback button is clicked
  • Write a 50-word product description for [trader joes awake blend coffee beans.] [Write in an upbeat, informative tone.]
  • Create a chat message for our [company name] explaining our return policy in a sweet and simple way. 14 days for returns, no shipping fees, product needs to be in perfect shape
  • Here is a list of product titles: [product titles], Perform the following modifications to each product title: <modifications>

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